Welcome to the website of the Paris Branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society!
Our classes will restart on Monday 9th September 2024. You can already renew your membership for 2024-2025! Note that the first trial class is free and does not require to be a member.
Latest news from our Facebook page:
RSCDS Paris Branch29/07/2024 @ 14:28This time of the year again : the French crew went back to St Andrews for a wonderful Week 2 of Summer School 2024. Lots of fun, friends from the whole world, and some exciting news and material to share in the coming days. Stay tuned !
RSCDS Paris Branch17/06/2024 @ 11:30Play a round of Guess the Dance, to discover the program of the Friday dance of our 40th anniversary week-end.
We redacted out parts of this dance, can you name it? Tell us how you found out.
RSCDS Paris Branch04/06/2024 @ 11:30Play a round of Guess the Dance, to discover the program of the Saturday ball of our 40th anniversary week-end.
We redacted out parts of this dance, can you name it? Tell us how you found out.
RSCDS Paris Branch31/05/2024 @ 9:16Play a round of Guess a Dance, to discover the program we prepared for the Saturday night of our 40th anniversary week-end.
We redacted out parts of this dance, can you name it? Tell us how you found out.