On April 7th 2018, the RSCDS Paris Branch hosts a Highland dance workshop followed by an evening dance with live music.

Highland workshop

Highland dances and Ladies’ Steps are solo dances that require technique and often stamina. All dances are not appropriate for beginners, however, everyone is welcome to have a try! The year starts with the easiest dances.

Teachers: Danièle, Mylène & Mathias

Evening dance

The dance is open to intermediate and advanced dancers. Most dances will be briefly walked.

You can find the programme on SCDDB or download the pdf.

MCs: Danièle & Mathias


The workshop and evening dance are independent. No registration is needed.


Find our prices on the Prices page.

times and Venues

Highland: 1pm to 4pm, in the studio May B, Micadanses, 15 rue Geoffroy l’Asnier, Paris 4e.

Evening dance: 8pm, Église Américaine, 65 quai d’Orsay, Paris 7e. Welcoming starts at 7:30pm

Highland workshop and evening dance – 7th April 2018
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